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Hi, I'm Anne.

I'm a communication designer based in Germany.


Born in 1996 in Hann. Münden and growing up in Kassel, I didn't have an inkling on how common my given name Anne was in other parts of the world, thus my online presence soon became the alias of Inky for ease of communication in online spaces. This nickname stuck and became synonymous with my art, which is a big part of my life.


I studied Communication Design and graduated with a Bachelor's degree in 2022 from RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Wiesbaden. During my studies, I focused on illustration, concept art, graphic design and layout. However, I also dabbled in 2D animation, directing, storyboarding and comic creation, amongst other things.

I worked in and with design agencies as well as independent creative projects like anthologies and as the art director of the Worldbuilding Magazine. Currently I am working on my long-term comic project Heirs to the Crown as well as independent illustrations I plan on releasing as prints within the nearer future. You can also listen to me on the Worldcasting Podcast and Ichor, which will start airing later in 2023!



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